Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Balls in My Face

Jen was sitting on the floor playing with the baby. I was sitting on the couch watching our state of the art TV.

Apparently, my watching TV and not rubbing her back was an inexcusable offense. She picked up a play ball and hurled it at me. It hit me right under my ear.

I stood up and inquired what the fuck. She laughed. I wrested the ball from her weak grip and held it up and feinted. She put up her hand and cowered. I feinted again. She put up her hand again.

I put the ball down by my side and relaxed, which was a cue for her to relax also. As soon as she did, I hurled the ball at her, hitting her square in her glasses.

She bounced up and charged at me and screamed and hammer fisted my face. She screamed some more, but just before she went for the kill, we were interrupted by the sound of the baby making a single startled cry.

We looked at him on the floor, several feet away, sitting upright and staring at us. He had been watching us the whole time.

Then his face turned south and he started crying. Apparently, the sight of a woman beating up a man was just too much. We rushed over and picked him up and comforted him.

"We were only playing," Jen said to him.

But that was, of course, a lie.

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